* * * C R E A T I V E ~ I N S P I R A T I O N ~ F O R ~ E V E R Y O N E * * *

weekly challenges

Here is challenge #180, Tile #3 of the 9 tile challenge

 I have used the tangle of the week - Cruffle,
and added W2, Merryweather, and African Artist.
Prismacolor pencils (lots of different shades!!),
black Copic Multiliner SP .2 and white Signo Uniball. 

Wow and completed within the same week too, not bad for me!
~ joey ~

joey's weekly tangle challenge #180

Welcome back to Week #3 of
the 9 tile challenge!

For those of you that are just joining in,
you can read about what we are doing here.

The tangle for Tile #1 was African Artist
The tangle for Tile #2 was Merryweather

Today on Tile #3 we will use the tangle

Have a good week, your tiles look amazing!
~ joey ~
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weekly challenges

Oh boy lots to catch up on today!

This is my J challenge (#177) from my guest blogger Susan Theron
done on a round tile.
I used the tangles Jetties, Jeewels, Jalousie,
Jonqual (variation), Vigne and Vache 1.
 ~ * ~

The other day I started my 9 tile challenge
(better late than never right?!)
and at the time I didn't really feel too concerned about it.

Well, I admit that it is fun, but far more challenging
than I thought it was going to be!
(even knowing what all of the tangles will be, hasn't helped me!  ha ha!)

I decided to use Prismacolor pencils for this series.
Using so many layers of colour, as well as deciding where to put the patterns I chose, has made it pretty intense.
Not sure if it's very zenful but I am enjoying the challenge!

On tile #1:  I used the tangles Merryweather, W2 and Showgirl
On tile #2:  I continued the W2 and African Artist.

Wishing you a creative week,
~ joey ~

joey's weekly tangle challenge #179

Thank you all so much for the warm response to my new blog!
I was very nervous on Sunday when at the last minute
I decided to take the plunge and launch it.
My first concern was that it wasn't completely finished,
but I didn't want to have to wait another 9 weeks before switching over.
My bigger concern was that we were leaving for a holiday first thing Monday morning and I only had my phone to try and fix any complications.
Thankfully it all went smoothly and my phone pinged with happy comments all through our trip!  Yah!

We visited Whistler, BC for part of our trip and I wanted to share a few photos for those of you that might be interested.
 one of the villages in Whistler * a couple of the ski runs above the village * river under the gondola

Whistler is a very classy ski resort village in
the Coastal Mts of British Columbia, Canada.
There are posh hotels, lively pubs and restaurants, beautiful art galleries, expensive shops and gondola rides to the top of the ski hill.
In the summer the drive is absolutely spectacular and I highly recommend a visit there if you come to BC.
(I can give you some tips on how to find the best deals!)

~ * ~
Ok now let's get back to business!
If you are just joining in, you can read how this challenge works here.
We will be using tile #2 today with the tangle
 I'm so glad that most of you are excited about this challenge,
I know it's very different
but you do come here to be challenged after all!
Have a great week!
~ joey ~
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A frest start and joey's weekly tangle challenge #178

 testing the waters - welcome to my new blog!

I know . . . this is a crazy amount of change at one time,
 but I felt it was time to just take the plunge!

As many of you know, Photobucket recently took control of some of my photos that were linked to my blogposts.  I felt that it was ridiculous to pay them $400US/yr to access my own photos, so I decided to start a new blog.

It has a new name and a slightly new format,
 but most of this new blog will be the same as madebyjoey.
 I appreciate your feedback and ideas
to make this blog even better!
There will be bugs to work out along the way,
(the font is acting a bit weird at the moment)
and a new challenge 'logo' to design,
but for now, let's try to get back to business
as best we can shall we? . . .

 ~ * ~

Joey's weekly tangle challenge #178:  
I hope that you find my tangle challenges fresh, stimulating and fun! Use the Link Up at the bottom of the post to share your work.

Note:  the link up never closes, so you can come back and link up to any challenge, at any time.
Click here to see all of my past challenges.

* * *

First I would like to say

WOW the past 6 weeks just flew by!

A HUGE thank you to my 6 guest challengers:

Susan, Trudi, Stephanie, Michele, Susie and Ilse.
I think everyone agrees that you all have great ideas!

I really appreciated the chance to rest my brain,
and to have the opportunity to try other creative pursuits like
Carla Sonheim's Kids Art Week!
{week 1, 2, 3&4}
I have also begun making some
"eco-Art" items for a Winter Art Show in December.

* * *

Today I have a new challenge theme for you that will only last 9 weeks (the alphabet was a long one!)
If that's too much of a commitment for you,
don't worry, the challenges are still fun without doing them all.

Ready?  Here we go . . .
You will need:
9 tiles
(any size or shape except circles . . . or
if you can make circles work, by all means go for it!)

~ Arrange your tiles 3 across by 3 down.
~ Draw a "border" around the entire square of tiles.
~ Now draw a large string inside the border that crosses every tile.

This will give you an idea of what I mean,
but you can draw yours any way you like.

While still in position flip each tile over and
number the top of each tile 1 through 9.

Each week I will give you a tangle that must be incorporated
somewhere into that week's tile.

Tile #1's tangle is

The design is up to you, you may
decide to have your tangles
flow from tile to tile or they may be more individual?
Black & white or colour?
Painted before or after?
Tiles or simply drawn in a sketchbook?
It all works! 

I really look forward to seeing each week's tile
and then how they come together at the end!
Glad to be back, have a great week and remember to subscribe so that you can find the new blog easily.
~ joey ~

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